Rudder is Complete

We have finished the rudder and the vertical stabilizer forward spar. Cool right?

Building the Sonex is a much different experience than the Van’s RV. While the Van’s Aircraft have an instruction book and plans, the Sonex Kit just has plans. I watch the videos on You Tube (and purchased the same videos to show support). Even though I think the plans are useful and well setup, it would be nice to have a list of instructions to help. The You Tube videos are welcome for the tail, but I’m not sure what I will do when building the rest of the plane. Hopefully, I’ll get the swing of the plans before the rest of the kit shows up.

I did buy an electric Milwaukee pull rivet gun that I find excellent! Bought the small battery for low weight but got two of them. Not sure yet how long they last.

I also built a pair of work stands out of 1X4 pine. Sanded them smooth to prevent damage to aluminum

Finally, a good rivet fence will help getting all the holes in the right place.