Murphy’s Law, as it applies to aircraft…

So, I took the EAA RV builder’s class. I went over to Dan’s house and helped him a little with his RV-7. I bought and built the practice kit. I attended the EAA RV builder’s class a second time with Tom. Built ANOTHER test project.  Bought all the right tools, built a very nice work table. Got absolutely EVERYTHING ready. Finally, I got the tail skin together, cleaned and drilled and deburred and READY to go!  And when I went to drive my VERY FIRST rivet into my project: BANG!   I missed.

Big dent in tail skin.

BIG dent in tail skin

So, for those of you who have never heard of Murphy’s Laws, here is the First Law:

“If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong”

  • First Corollary: “In a manner to make you look the most foolish”
  • Second Corollary: “In a manner that will produce the most damage”
  • Third corollary: “Only on the most expensive parts”
