We installed the flap position sensor. This is a copy of some friends at the airport, and it turns out, a copy from many folks.
flap position sensor
It has been a quiet couple of weeks at the hanger, with a bunch of small but critical tasks. We installed doublers for the COMM antennas as well as the Transponder antenna. We finished the attach points for the instrument panel, and fit the three part panels into place. We still need to map all the stuff that will be installed on the panel tho. TONS of stuff.
We have picked the radios! From top to bottom, I’ll have:
- King KX-155 NAV/COM with KI-209 CDI (maybe. I’m also looking at a MC-60 digital version.)
- King KY-97A Comm
- King KT-76A Transponder
in the radio stack. We also have a PS Engineering Intercom and a simple audio amp instead of an audio panel. No marker beacons.