The battle of the fuel pump(s) is/are over!

I want to use mogas in my plane.

Mogas is getting up to 10% alcohol in it, and that is not going away. Now in California, you can no longer get gas without alcohol at any regular gas station. So a good solution is to use electric only fuel system that pushes fuel instead of trying to pull it.

No worries about vapor lock, and no worries about the effects of alcohol on rubber parts in manual pumps! Two pumps with two independent switches would eliminate the need for a valve. Fuel pump placement at the root of the wing would eliminate considerable plumbing inside the cockpit.  I talked with lots of folks about the idea. Many support it, and in fact fly with it today. Many poopoo’d the idea as too risky. What if this and that and that happen???

Well, after considerable thought, and the ringing of my motto in my head: “What would Cessna do?” I decided to wimp out and stay with the plans.  Keep the valve, one electric pump and one engine driven pump.

Fuel pump

Fuel pump










Yes, this is an experimental  aircraft, but I’m not an engineer.  Also, when you go off plans (which i have done once or twice) you add many hours to the process.  So, I’ll live with the current plan, and maybe do some experimentation later.

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