We have the engine controls in place. We installed the three stooges today: Throttle, Mixture and Carb heat. Actually the flap switch is installed too. Just like in a Skyhawk. Easy to access and use on approach.
- Panel Again
With the controls quadrant installed, we have run the control cables out through the firewall, and we hope they are long enough to reach the carburetor.
We are also continuing to install electric wires. we have the ANL fuse on the fire wall, we have the master and start relays in place. We built the battery to relay wire (4 awg), and the master relay to ANL fuse wiring. We have cut several holes in the right side panel like 2 – 12 volt power plugs, the heater control cable, the defroster fan switch and the two dimmer control switches. We are still planning the left side. We are still not sure how the fuses and electrical controls will work.
We also installed the mount for the tablet to be installed on the right side. This will be the backup EFIS and flight planner, including an AHRS insterface with bluetooth connection.
With electronics for tablets growing at the same rate as microcomputers did on the 90’s, we figure we will have double the performance and capability of the backup EFIS every 2 years. We should plan on making that an easy upgrade.