The airframe kit has arrived.
I have completed the inventory, and all is well.
Long boxes holding skins, tubes, and angle brackets are stacked where we can get at them as required. The box with the three orange straps is holding the leading edge skins closed.
Small hardware and misc partsd are stored on shelving. This will require better organization.
I do have some back-ordered stuff but I believe I have enough to get started. All the parts are organized to level 1 (more organization to do) but the stuff I will not need for a long time is safely stored upstairs.
The stuff I need first is right up front and almost ready to begin.
I made a mistake while doing the inventory because that would have been the best time to separate all the Wing stuff (Wxx-xxx) from the Fuselage stuff (Fxx-xxx) and now I have to go back and do that (Level 2) Oh well, it will help with orientation.
The spars are completed and are here ready to get ribs and skin.
I’m doing the wings first because they will be easy to store while I work on the fuselage.
We start Monday.